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LAPP entwickelt in Zusammenarbeit mit foryouandyourcustomers seinen globalen digitalen Shop- und Online-Auftritt neu
10 December 2024, 08:47 am
Kunst trifft Raum: Vernissage zur 84. Ausstellung von Fritzi Haußmann bei foryouandyourcustomers in Heidelberg
18 November 2024, 12:28 pm
Kick-off Veranstaltung MDMcircle
31 October 2024, 08:41 am
Vernissage zur 80. Ausstellung in Baar mit einer Performance von Tobias Gutmann und Saibot
11 October 2024, 09:39 am
Christoph Gesing’s "Canal" Christmas Series 2024: A Gateway to Another World
1 October 2024, 05:43 pm
Eine Begegnung mit den Menschen bei foryouandyourcustomers wird Ihre Perspektive bereichern. Einer dieser Menschen ist Rainer Fauth.
23 August 2024, 10:07 am
Better Commerce at Lower Costs: Our Customers Benefit from the Collaboration between foryouandyourcustomers and Emporix
14 August 2024, 08:12 am
Meet the Expert: Bei foryouandyourcustomers sind wir beziehungsfähig
9 August 2024, 09:32 am
Meet the Expert: Agiles Projektmanagement bei foryouandyourcustomers
8 August 2024, 10:03 am
Art Dialogue für Kinder zur 79. Ausstellung mit Werken von Daniel Man bei foryouandyourcustomers in München
5 August 2024, 07:24 am
Informationsmodell foryouandyourcustomers
30 July 2024, 04:34 am
foryouandyourcustomers München lud zur Vernissage und Daniel Man stellte sich und sein Schaffen eindrucksvoll vor
29 July 2024, 01:33 pm
Digital product passport: act early and seize opportunities
22 July 2024, 02:23 pm
Meet the people at foryouandyourcustomers to enrich your digital business. One of these people: Jeannine Vythoulkas-Arnold. (DE with EN subs)
15 July 2024, 10:36 am
80 Gäste feiern den Sommer bei foryouandyourcustomers in Uster
24 June 2024, 07:52 pm
Eine Begegnung mit den Menschen bei foryouandyourcustomers kann Ihr digitales Business bereichern. Einer dieser Menschen ist Martin Brandt.
31 May 2024, 01:25 pm
Eine Begegnung mit den Menschen bei foryouandyourcustomers kann Ihr digitales Business bereichern. Einer dieser Menschen: Jeannine Vythoulkas-Arnold.
17 May 2024, 09:12 am
Eine Begegnung mit den Menschen bei foryouandyourcustomers kann Ihr digitales Business bereichern. Einer dieser Menschen ist Marcel Rossi.
26 April 2024, 10:42 am
Eine Begegnung mit den Menschen bei foryouandyourcustomers kann Ihr digitales Business bereichern. Einer dieser Menschen ist Andreas Drexhage.
12 April 2024, 09:14 am
Eine Begegnung mit den Menschen bei foryouandyourcustomers kann Ihr digitales Business bereichern. Einer dieser Menschen ist Kevin Krifter.
5 April 2024, 12:49 pm
Die 75. Ausstellung von foryouandyourcustomers am Standort Wien
25 March 2024, 01:03 pm
Adrian Carr, CEO of Stibo Systems in an interview with foryouandourcustomers: A path to joint success
22 March 2024, 10:00 pm
Organisationsentwicklung mit Open Space: Wie wir foryouandyourcustomers und unsere Kundinnen und Kunden weiterentwickeln
20 March 2024, 04:36 pm
More successful and more cost-effective projects: KONMATIK GmbH uses the information model for the benefit of its customers
15 March 2024, 11:00 am
Eine Begegnung mit den Menschen bei foryouandyourcustomers wird Ihre Perspektive bereichern. Einer dieser Menschen ist Claus Stachl.
13 March 2024, 12:24 pm
Eine Begegnung mit den Menschen bei foryouandyourcustomers wird Ihre Perspektive bereichern. Einer dieser Menschen ist Christian Weih-Sum.
6 March 2024, 10:56 am
ETH Zurich (IVIA Lab) and foryouandyourcustomers are partnering to pioneer AI in visualising language data.
4 March 2024, 09:30 am
Eine Begegnung mit den Menschen bei foryouandyourcustomers wird Ihre Perspektive bereichern. Einer dieser Menschen ist Martin Brandt.
1 March 2024, 06:54 am
Challenging the “Do not touch” sign - an interview about the "Tchotchke" exhibition
13 February 2024, 01:35 pm
Offizielle Einweihung, erstes Event und Vernissage von Skafte Kuhn bei foryouandyourcustomers Heidelberg
15 December 2023, 07:39 am
Putting users first: Swiss Volley partners with foryouandyourcustomers to redesign its website
22 November 2023, 07:00 am
In the beginning was the Word: Ruth Maria Obrist presents "Microcosm"
21 November 2023, 01:20 pm
The 76th Business Breakfast at foryouandyourcustomers Amsterdam explained how companies can create unprecedented agility
14 November 2023, 06:00 am
Eine herzliche Einladung zum Art Dialogue am 23. November 2023 am Standort von foryouandyourcustomers in München mit Kunst von Julia Burek .
25 October 2023, 08:58 am
Informationskartografie, für gemeinsames Verständnis und Orientierung im digitalen Wandel
23 October 2023, 03:21 pm
A common language in the enterprise: Stefan Berner and Christian Bühlmann talk about information cartography and their book - Part 2 of 2
23 October 2023, 02:15 pm
A common language in the company: Stefan Berner and Christian Bühlmann talk about information cartography and their book – Part 1 of 2
23 October 2023, 02:15 pm
SFS Group Schweiz AG mit neuem PIM-System als Basis für ein Online-Business auf nächstem Level
16 October 2023, 06:54 pm
Efficient product data logistics in B2B: strategies for manufacturers
15 September 2023, 11:33 am
Finding the perfect search: How to choose a custom-fit e-commerce search for your business.
3 August 2023, 04:27 am
"The Road Experience"
2 August 2023, 01:23 pm
With eCharge+app further development foryouandyourcustomers proved its UX competence
25 July 2023, 12:27 pm
Die 43. Ausstellung von foryouandyourcustomers an unserem Standort St. Pölten
25 July 2023, 11:51 am
foryouandyourcustomers goes to SoCraTes 2023!
19 July 2023, 11:49 am
9. Konferenz Integrales Management zum Thema Integrale Zukunftsplanung
19 July 2023, 10:57 am
Relaunch des Online Produktkatalogs von Geberit – viel mehr als nur ein Redesign
19 July 2023, 07:34 am
Boosting e-commerce search with artificial intelligence: how foryouandyourcustomers and searchHub are working together.
14 July 2023, 08:29 am
Data Excellence for breakfast: Dusseldorf welcomed customers and experts to an exchange on data governance
12 July 2023, 08:21 am
Is your company ready to work with data?
11 July 2023, 12:30 pm
In Düsseldorf hat das Team von foryouandyourcustomers neuen Raum zum Arbeiten und sich Begegnen geschaffen
4 July 2023, 07:24 pm
Testing: Unabdingbar für erfolgreiche Softwareprojekte
4 July 2023, 12:09 pm
Vernissage zur 67. Ausstellung bei foryouandyourcustomers präsentiert „Straight“ von Christoph Gesing
3 July 2023, 09:46 pm
73. Business Breakfast: Künstliche Intelligenz in Übersetzungsprozessen – worauf kommt es an?
3 July 2023, 01:35 pm
The 64th exhibition at foryouandyourcustomers in Baar, presents works by the artist Fraenzi Neuhaus .
3 July 2023, 01:25 pm
Mit der Kunst in einen Dialog gehen: Die 66. Ausstellung bei foryouandyourcustomers
27 June 2023, 11:57 am
foryouandyourcustomers goes to Agile Crete 2022
26 June 2023, 12:08 pm
Confirmed by TÜV Austria, you and your customers are at foryouandyourcustomers also in good hands civilly
16 June 2023, 12:28 pm
Celebrating foryouandyourcustomers Athens 1st Birthday!
9 June 2023, 03:04 pm
Interview with Jonathan Möller at foryouandyourcustomers Athens
7 June 2023, 08:24 pm
Supercharging project development: The remarkable impact of a Design Sprint 2/3
7 June 2023, 12:58 pm
How the desire for a new website initiated a profound digitalisation process 1/3
7 June 2023, 12:57 pm
How Komax's digitalisation led to the establishment of its own "Digital Factory" 3/3
7 June 2023, 12:57 pm
Breaking barriers: Conducting usability tests with visually impaired people to uncover accessibility problems
6 June 2023, 08:33 am
Sculpting Light and Shadow – An Interview with Marta Djourina and Viktoria Draganova
2 June 2023, 11:27 am
Die 65. Ausstellung von foryouandyourcustomers zeigt Werke von Mariano Fernández in Stuttgart
2 June 2023, 11:26 am
Die 62. Ausstellung bei foryouandyourcustomers zeigt Werke der Münchner Künstlerin Julia Burek
2 June 2023, 11:26 am
“Ideally, sparks will fly.“ Norbert Pümpel is currently exhibiting in Feldkirch
30 May 2023, 10:02 am
"The origin of light“: Ulrich Plieschnig invites us to explore the origin of light
30 May 2023, 08:24 am
How we achieve a shared understanding in technical diagrams
30 May 2023, 08:00 am
World premiere: Guillaume Bruère made a sculpture live in front of people at foryouandyourcustomers in Munich
30 May 2023, 07:27 am
IIID-Award-Preisträgerin Michaela Lautenschlager präsentiert Auszug ihrer Arbeiten in Regensburg
26 May 2023, 09:37 am
Vernissage und Buchpräsentation: foryouandyourcustomers feiert am Standort Wien
26 May 2023, 09:25 am
Vernissage mit Live-Performance zur 56. Ausstellung von Katja Pudor
26 May 2023, 09:21 am
Unter dem Titel „BENEATH“ wurde die 49. Ausstellung von foryouandyourcustomers eröffnet
26 May 2023, 09:07 am
How the new Sofia office of foryouandyourcustomers became an atelier and a gallery
25 May 2023, 02:18 pm
Ruth Maria Obrist: Die Meisterin der Materialität stellt in Uster aus
24 May 2023, 01:04 pm
Work Design in Amsterdam: How employees shape their hybrid workplace culture
22 May 2023, 12:37 pm
Accessibility is an integral part of digital products and services.
17 May 2023, 12:44 pm
72nd Business Breakfast in Baar: Using data successfully
15 May 2023, 04:33 pm
A practical case: How to enable your ecommerce platform to serve multiple brand stores
11 May 2023, 10:11 am
The shop for farmers: A joint development of RI-Solution Data GmbH and foryouandyourcustomers
4 May 2023, 07:24 am
The new buttinette mobile app always at hand - a unique customer experience
27 April 2023, 09:04 am
Book Paid Work and the Meaning of Life
27 March 2023, 04:21 pm
“Had we had the information modelling technique when we started, we could have saved a lot of time”
24 March 2023, 01:25 pm
The Swiss Alpine Club (SAC) relies on the strategic, specialist and technical expertise of foryouandyourcustomers
24 March 2023, 01:23 pm
Through ChannelOPERA to attractive shopping experiences
24 March 2023, 01:21 pm
Business Breakfast in München: Ihre Daten – Ihr Kapital. Wie auch Sie Ihre Daten erfolgreich nutzen
24 March 2023, 10:06 am
In Regensburg stehen wir an neuem Standort für PIM Expertise für Kunden in ganz Ostbayern
24 March 2023, 10:02 am
The market perspective in the Exploded View: getting an overview of the interplay between customers and providers
24 March 2023, 07:54 am
The employee perspective in the Exploded View: understanding the employee and their experience
24 March 2023, 07:53 am
The company perspective in the Exploded View: getting a detailed and comprehensive understanding of the company
24 March 2023, 07:52 am
The customer perspective in the Exploded View: understanding the customer and their experience
24 March 2023, 07:49 am
Celebrating a decade of learning and development: 10 years foryouandyourcustomers in Amsterdam
23 March 2023, 06:25 pm
The foryouandyourcustomers information model as a basis for customer orientation and success
23 March 2023, 02:51 pm
Beim Business Breakfast in Baar erfuhren Sie, wie Sie den Nutzen Ihrer Daten optimieren können
23 March 2023, 02:30 pm
The Exploded View as a reference framework for successful CRM
23 March 2023, 02:10 pm
New Swisspeers website: now flexibly adaptable thanks to its modular design
23 March 2023, 01:43 pm
We are pleased to welcome you to our new office in the heart of Munich
23 March 2023, 10:48 am
Packaging manufacturer Constantia Flexibles has relied on foryouandyourcustomers for six years
22 March 2023, 12:43 pm
The companies RWA Raiffeisen Ware Austria and the Lagerhäuser trust in foryouandyourcustomers' expertise for the digitalisation of their products
16 March 2023, 08:10 pm
A PIM system as the basis for an integrated customer experience. How Leister is shaping the digital future
16 March 2023, 06:57 pm
Haberkorn takes carefully considered action, including with foryouandyourcustomers
16 March 2023, 06:39 pm
“First time right“ 64th Business Breakfast as digital event
14 March 2023, 07:22 pm
Webinar: Drei Beispiele zeigen, wie der digitale Wandel mit der Exploded View besser gemeistert wird
14 March 2023, 07:07 pm
Fissler’s international business is critically supported by the Exploded View
13 March 2023, 06:13 pm
Further development of project work with Bosch Rexroth by doing Open Space workshops
13 March 2023, 01:11 pm
Zellteilung in Stuttgart: Willkommen bei for you and your cus to mers in Heidelberg
13 March 2023, 10:49 am
Understanding interrelationships and keeping an eye on the bigger picture: The Exploded View in use in three sectors
9 March 2023, 09:02 am
Das erste Kamingespräch bei foryouandyourcustomers in München mit Robert Josef Stadler
9 March 2023, 08:51 am
ChannelCARDS for your Multichannel Business
23 February 2023, 04:27 pm
Recognisable and ever-evolving: for you and your cus to mers has a new office in the heart of Sofia
23 February 2023, 04:13 pm
How the Exploded View model helps you optimise your system landscape
20 February 2023, 05:45 pm
Close the gap between strategy and execution — combining the Exploded View and Impact Mapping
20 February 2023, 05:12 pm
”Thinking of a Different Tomorrow with OKR”: Reflections on the 69th Business Breakfast
16 February 2023, 07:47 pm
Dutch retailer HEMA evaluated its future customer experience platform with the Exploded View
16 February 2023, 07:34 pm
Whitepaper information modelling: a fundamental tool for leaders in the digital change
16 February 2023, 07:01 pm
The Exploded View, for a better overview of digitalisation
10 February 2023, 02:55 pm