Our experts at foryouandyourcustomers Stuttgart guide you on the way to effective product data management, up-to-date information and satisfied customers.
Product Information and Master Data Management (PIM / MDM)
Manage your customer, product and supplier data in a central product information system.
foryouandyourcustomers will accompany you in the analysis, design, implementation and support of your planned PIM and MDM solutions.
Data-Migration / Supplier Data Management / Master Data Management / Product Data Management / STEP Trailblazer / Data Modelling / Product Data Workflows / Technical Architecture Consulting / Data Migration / Stibo Systems / Project Management / Media Asset Management / Digital Asset Management / Information Modelling / Data Mapping / Implementation Partner / Multidomain Master Data Management / Customer Data Management / Cloud Solutions / Information Cartography / Single Point of Truth / Data Integration / Master Data Governance
Digital Information Supply Chain (DISC)
The Digital Information Supply Chain is the digital twin of your real supply chain. Your expertise in this area is a prerequisite for efficient business activities and flawless customer experiences with your company.
With our proven toolbox, we support our customers in analysing their data, organisation, processes and system landscape. In this way, we identify the sticking points and measures to increase the maturity of your digitalisation.
Multichannel Architecture / Digital Experience / Exploded View / UseCase Diagram / Customer Journey / Software Evaluation / Digital Maturity / Training / Information Model / Digital Twin
Translation Management
Every data process thrives on the quality of the data it contains. This inevitably also applies to all the languages in which this data is made available to the relevant target groups. State-of-the-art terminology and translation processes and their implementation in the organization are therefore an indispensable part of any good process consultancy.
In the field of terminology and translation management, we provide expert consulting on all issues related to processes, systems, governance, supply chains and automation. We ensure that you can find and implement the optimal setup for your organization.
Translation Consulting / Machine Translation / Process Automation / Terminology Management / Machine Learning
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Our team in Stuttgart

We employ more people than visible. As an integral company, we leave it up to our employees whether they appear on the website.