The customer perspective in the Exploded View: understanding the customer and their experience

The Exploded View is an effective tool for helping companies navigate an increasingly digital world. The model is based on six layers. These layers can be broken down into different perspectives and used accordingly – these include the customer, market, company and employee perspectives. Working with the model offers all stakeholders a practical overview and simplifies their cooperation.
In this article, we want to shine a brighter light on the customer perspective and show how you can develop an understanding of the customer and therefore create relevant added value for your own organisation and well as for your customers.
Do you know who your customers, potential customers and non-customers are? And do you know why and through which channels these groups contact your company and buy products and services? In many cases, a company’s chances of success will hinge on improving the customer experiences and thereby adding value for the customer and the company. It therefore makes sense to understand the customer better, to question how they actually experience the company and, in so doing, to provide a more satisfying experience. The Exploded View model is designed for this purpose, and the customer perspective is the first step in enabling these improvements and creating added value both for you and your customers.
All companies would benefit from developing a feel for their customers. It’s easier for small companies, and their customers tend to experience a positive sense of closeness. But understanding customers and remaining close to them is a complex challenge for many bigger companies, as their customers experience increasing alienation due to centralisation, automation and self-absorption. In response, and to avoid losing their customers, these companies frequently invest a lot of money in marketing and branding. But even these measures rarely deliver customer proximity or customer orientation. Instead, many of these companies may be missing out on the opportunities that digitisation provides – namely, a better understanding of their customers and added value for both sides. The Exploded View model has been tried and tested many times and can help you by offering an overview, structure and guidance for overcoming the challenges you face in your digitisation process.
You can find a detailed description of the customer perspective and additional useful tools for your digitisation projects in our free whitepaper.