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The 76th exhibition at foryouandyourcustomers in Saarbrücken

donderdag, 25 april 2024 ・ 18:00 — woensdag, 31 juli 2024 ・ 00:00 UTC +02:00
foryouandyourcustomers , Am Staden 21, 66121 Saarbrücken, Duitsland
Sculpture Reziprok by Sigrun Olafsdottir

The 76. exhibition "Stille Kraft" at foryouandyourcustomers shows sculptures and graphic art by the Icelandic artist Sigrún Ólafsdóttir

Sigrún Ólafsdóttir's work primarily revolves around the balance between opposites - the brief moment when both are equally strong (or weak): the pause between inhaling and exhaling, between ebb and flow, between centrifugal force and gravitational pull (e.g. when the ball which is thrown up " lingers" in the air for a moment). However, the artist is not only exploring balance itself, but rather how it is created. Over time, the interaction of individual forces has become her most important theme. The drawings are also constructions of movement and balance. Because they are two-dimensional, they initially appear harmless, but in fact this is deceptive. Their dynamics are only revealed when you take the time to "read" the drawings. The movement arises in the mind, and is then all the more intense.
– Cornelieke Lagerwaard, art historian

Portrait of Sigrún Ólafsdóttir

Sigrún Ólafsdóttir

Artist, freischaffend

Born 1963 in Reykjavik, Iceland, lives and works in Saarbrücken.

More about the artist: http://sigrun-olafsdottir.de

You can also visit Sigrún Ólafsdóttir in her studio by appointment via e-mail info@sigrun-olafsdottir.de

Information for visitors

Sigrun's works will be on display in our Saarbrücken office until the end of July 2024, please register in advance.